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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to Normal

This process is ongoing.

We did take a bit of a break today, in that we did the last bits of the required work on the garage and then backed off from the slinging of boxes. I did the back porch to make it safe for Lizzy to play, and Laston brought in the last of the stuff from the van (we live on the second floor - no elevator - and there were two van loads left. Whew!). Abby and I took books to Half Price Books, stuff that we could not sell to St. Vincent de Paul, and then went to order her glasses. Laston did his weekly lunch-concoction shopping and I started dinner. The kids and I went swimming while Laston did things around the house. There are still boxes piled everywhere, but I really do feel like we've accomplished a lot. I can do a bit each day, more when the kids are at Grandma's/school/preschool.

Right now I have dinner going and the dishwasher running, and Laston's taking a break. The bigger two are cleaning their room in the hopes that they can have "girl night" (this consists of girly movies and cereal mix they have dubbed "nut-free trail mix" and doing each others' hair). Leanna asked me to "keep Lizzy out while we clean" and now Abby is fussing because "Lizzy gets to watch TV and we have to clean?!" They've gotten distracted from cleaning by concocting "girls' night outfits", with Abby as a vampire (natch) and Leanna as an "island girl".

The place is a mess, but things are Back to Normal.

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