Today Jenn Lost It because close to bedtime, Abby spilled a full glass of raspberry Crystal Light
I could use any number of excuses - headache, long day, stress, whatever - but I'll own it. I was yelling at Abby for spilling the stuff (and I should not have let her drink it in the living room without a lid on the cup in any case) . Abby burst into tears and hid under a blanket while I shouted that she should get a towel, whereupon she - in an effort to be helpful - got a single paper towel from the kitchen. Yeah, not gonna help, that. Nice try though. Just as I'm calming down from that, Lizzy jumps into the puddle and out again, to "make pattahns".
Seriously? You want to make patterns?
So I escalated again (volume-wise), sent Lizzy to time out, took Abby in the bedroom to apologize for yelling, and to explain that no, she's not getting another cup this time with a lid. And there's poor Leanna, witness to Jenn Losing It again.
And now, just for a little more noise, we have the SpotBot going for the foreseeable future.
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