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Saturday, July 23, 2011


This is not as patriotic a post as the title sounds.

Just a day in the life in suburban U.S. of America... Abby's nana (her father's mom) came to pick her up. They're spending the day out doing lunch and a movie, then picking Poppo up and going to Nana & Poppo's house up north. For over a week. Abby's never been away from home that long, but she will be able to call me or her dad as needed, and her paternal grandparents have all the permissions and notes about her allergy and so forth that they need. She'll be fine and I'm sure she'll have fun, and it will make life here a little simpler for a week just Miz Liz, being down to. Still kinda freaks me out as the mom though... my baby!

Lizzy and I went to a fun event today - a barbecue at a local park to celebrate the 25th (ack) anniversary of me graduating high school. A couple little girls - children of my peers - around Leanna's age took Lizzy off to play on the playground, which was visible from the picnic tables where we were chatting (and more importantly, I was between Lizzy and the street; I don't expect a couple of ten-year-olds to keep Lizzy out of traffic). They had fun, although the younger of the two did come running back at one point to tell me they needed me. Heart-in-throat time of course, but it turns out that the problem was simply that neither older girl was tall enough to lift Lizzy out of the "baby swing". Oh. Whew! I also got a very nice impromptu chair - well... park bench - massage from one of my favorite ladies. On the other hand, I had to wear a name tag with my maiden name and my junior yearbook photo - big hair, glasses bigger than my head and all - on it.

And tonight Laston and I are taking advantage of a local daycare's Parents' Night Out program to catch a movie - in keeping with the theme of this post we're going to see Captain America: The First Avenger - sans children - then come home and have a late-ish supper.

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