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Friday, July 22, 2011

Always to Call it Please, "Research"

Lehrer performing in 1960
The above is taken from a song by my favorite comedian-satirist-singer, Tom Lehrer (b. 1928). The fact that he was in his heyday before I was a gleam in my father's eye is beside the point; I just love his stuff. Some favorites include:

There are many more, of course, including a couple he did for The Electric Company (Silent E and L-Y), the adult versions of which are not appropriate for general audiences (Silent E "turns a simple rap into a..."), as well as others. But this came into my mind today as I was discussing copyright with my husband Laston, as he was concerned about images I found using Google Image Search and whether they were in the public domain. 

Oh yeah.

Since I am attending an online workshop on how to avoid plagiarism, and had this discussion with my spouse, and just added my tagline (see above) into my Google+ account, it was on my mind. 

And that's how blog post topics enter my head.

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