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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Up, Down, Up, Down

I'd say I have not gotten over my holiday fatigue. I'm absurdly emotional, with equal likelihood of tears given to the good (my mom got me a bluetooth earpiece to go with my new Windows Phone and a jar of my favorite vegetable just because she loves me! A friend said I'm a good person! My husband told me I'm intelligent! People are trying to help me get a job! I get to use a cause near and dear to my heart in my Research Writing class!), and the bad (still not employed, and rent is due, and I'm feeling worthlessly non-contributory, and I'm feeling personally rejected (yes, yes, also absurd) after job-hunting for nine months).

I imagine that this is in (large) part because I stay up Too Damn Late ever since oh... Thanksgiving, watching TV and folding laundry and doing online job searches and playing games and reading and munching (and no, I'm not pregnant - even leaving aside the permanent form of birth control we initiated during after Lizzy's (surgical) birth, the timing is wrong). My very diurnal system is quasi-nocturnal at the moment and that can't be good for me. I'm not really an early bird or a night owl; I'm more of a midday kind of person. 9AM to 3PM is generally my best time of day.

So what I need is to:

  1. Jump back on the healthy food choices and portion sizes bandwagon, which is already initiated; I can't go low-carb like my spouse because I have food allergies and sensitivities that won't permit it, but I can go lower-carb, as in tonight's meal; we all get pork chops and salad, but I'll make a bigger salad for me and eat a lot less of the rice I make for the kids than I would otherwise.
  2. Get to bed earlier; this should be easier because school starts for the kids tomorrow, so they will go to bed earlier and therefore I will too. Also, if I have to pop a Benadryl (or two) for a night or two to get myself back on track I can do that.
I'll let you know how I feel by Saturday's post.

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