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Friday, January 27, 2012


Generally speaking, if Abby has no school, neither does Lizzy, because Lizzy's preschool works on the same schedule as the public school district.

But not today.

Today Abby's teachers have an in-service day for grading and assessment review and training and so forth, so we got to hang around together while Lizzy was at school for three hours.

Normally we have our "us time" for an hour or so every evening (except weekend nights) reading or playing games or watching shows that Lizzy is too young for but Abby and I love. And every couple of weeks we have a Girl Scout meeting or event and we get some us time then too. Most of the time we function as a three-or-more-person unit though.

But this morning we got to do normal household things together. We did some grocery shopping. We tidied up the dining room. We folded some laundry and packed her bag for her dad's house this weekend.

It was really nice.

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