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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Interviews and Sartorial Elegance

I had one today, on the phone, for a potential degree. I was in the living room, so shorts and a tank were the order of the day. I have two later this week, in person, for schools as well, and I think I'll wear my standard Business Casual. Tomorrow I have an interview for a job.

And I have no clue what to wear.

You see, this job description includes the very scary words "Business Professional". I'm not sure I own anything suiting (ha!) this category. I have black slacks and some nice tops, but nothing even resembling a suit of any kind. And I certainly don't have the money to buy any. I'll have to go with the fanciest of my Business Casual clothes and see how we do.

Wish me luck that it does not affect my chances of a good job.


  1. Get thee to the Goodwill Store on Andover West in Tukwila. Half the stuff in my closet (including some VERY nice suits) were picked up there for less than dirt cheap.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Good idea, Fenix. There's one up here in Lynnwood too. Thanks
