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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

Abby's out swimming with Kiki (and Kiki's dad; no unsupervised swimmers around here). Lizzy's having Rest Time in their room (which means she has to lie down, but she may watch DVDs). Laston just got home from work and I had a day much like yesterday - I got a lot done but none of it is visible. And we had lunch on the porch because the weather is beautiful today. It was nice.

Tomorrow Lizzy goes to my mom while Abby is at school and that means - drumroll, please - I can Get More Done. I do a run through my job hunting routine in the morning, and then I go through the rest of the girls' clothes to separate out That Which Is Outgrown, make an appointment with Saturday's Child to bring it in, make a list of what they need for the summer (so far it's jammies and sandals), and tidy this place up. Then lunch, another swing through Job Hunt World, grab Abby from school and Lizzy from Grandma, come home, make a snack, supervise homework, make supper, negotiate play time, put Lizzy to bed, make Abby take a shower, read a chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to Abby, wrangle with her about bedtime and send her off to bed.

Tuesday will be much the same, with a break for groceries around 10AM, and organizing books in place of sorting clothes. Wednesday will be toys. I hope to have this place whipped into shape by the time I go back to work and I hope in turn that happy day will occur before it's officially summer (around two weeks).

Wish me luck.

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