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Friday, November 4, 2011

Frenetic Friday

No game this week; everyone has a cold (and besides, the turkey has not thawed - maybe by next Friday it'll be thawed). So I went to bed last night thinking of my to-do list for today. Get kids to school, go to dentist, get some grocery shopping done, pick Lizzy up for lunch, do homework, pick Abby up to go to her dad's, deposit child support check, home for dinner out.

It's never that simple.

I sleep right through my alarm, so the kids' breakfast is yogurt and toast and fruit. Not bad, but not the hot hearty chilly-fall-morning breakfast I had planned.either. Get Abby off to the bus on time, get Lizzy to preschool exactly at nine. Get to the dentist for my cleaning. Do not have time after to shop before getting Lizzy, so screw the grocery shopping; that's what is for. Pick Lizzy up at preschool, feed her lunch while I do some homework and aforementioned safeway and some laundry and the dishes (thank Google for Google Docs; my loaner doesn't have MSFT Office. And oh damn, my computer gurus won't be here because there is no game tonight. Oh well, later days.) Arg, I forgot to pack Abby's bag for her dad's house. Rush around finding clothes for that. Get to the school ten minutes before school lets out and wait.

And wait. And wait.

Hey, that's Abby's bus taking off and she's not out here in the parent pick up line yet. Weird. Hey, Mrs 3rd-Grade Teacher, did Abby get on the bus? Well... oh sure, why not something else not major but still a PITA. What's one more thing? Get back to the bus stop, passing Abby's bus on the way. When the bus pulls up to the stop, Abby comes flying out - "Oh my Gosh, Mom, I was so confused!" - so off we go, twenty minutes late (and while listening to a TV-themes mix CD, I get "This sounds like the ultimate Spy Song!" It was the Mission Impossible theme, so she has a point). We get to her dad's, figure out the activity we'll use to replace swimming (gymnastics) since her swimming lessons are on hiatus. Ride on fumes to gas station and then to deposit child support check. Get home half an hour late.

Pick up Lizzy and Laston and go to the new Sushi Hana. Hope against hope (correctly as it turned out) that Lizzy will be well-behaved when it's just her and the adults. Yeah, not so much, although she's still better-behaved than she was with the other kids there. (she likes calamari; who knew?) Everyone was very kind to the poor frazzled parents with the jumpy preschooler though. And good food. Really good food.

So now, home. Home to finish my homework and write my blog and hope that Lizzy sleeps tonight. This weekend I plan to do nothing more complicated than laundry and grocery sho...

I also need to update that order.  Seeya.

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