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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Girls' Evening Out

Brownie Scout meeting tonight, so Abby and I did our 2nd monthly Big Girls' (meaning "without Lizzy") Night Out. This consists of dinner, dessert, and a half-hour to forty-five minutes in the library before the meeting starts. We chose dinner at Sushi Hana again - it's both a lot cheaper with just one adult and one child, and a lot calmer one on one like that. Since Abby is now fond of at least four items they have there - and mostly the cheap ones at that (kappa maki, inari, tomago, and calamari) - this was super nice. Then we went to our friendly neighborhood 31 Flavors and each had a child-size scoop (chocolate chip cookie dough for her, daiquiri ice for me. Yum.)

Then on to the library where we have our brownie scout meeting. On the way there, Abby revealed that her school photos came in. Unlike Lizzy's school photos, Abby's electronic rights are pretty inexpensive, so here you go. We went through the ritual of returning last month's books, renewed a couple we hadn't gotten to yet, and went hunting for others. The ones Abby's been reading - the Ivy and Bean series - are very popular, especially since the author apparently made a visit to one of the King County Libraries within the last week, so they've all been checked out and we put the next few on hold so when they come in we can have them. Then she had her meeting, wherein she and the other kids had a lot of trouble remembering they were in a library (they are in a closed-off room after all). I'm pretty happy that I'm not a regular part of the meetings myself - I drop off and hang around in case of emergency - because this gives me a little time to hang out in a library without the children. We planned our service meeting for this month too - we're doing that Saturday - but mostly I get an hour or so of quiet library time. It's nice.

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