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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Eyes Have It

So I have the Eye of Doom, and so I have a job interview today.


And I got it!

The pay is on the low end of acceptable (but far better than collections), and the commute is not terrific (opposite ends of town). But it's congenial work (publishing online), for a congenial company (a vendor for Microsoft, in the XBox Live group). And it looks like it's something I can do well (again, unlike collections).


I am so excited that I can hardly stand it.

I start March 4th. When, of course, my mom is out of town. Isn't that always the way? So - being the over-organized person that I am, I have already made arrangements for Lizzy to stay late at preschool the first two days.

Because that's who I am.

Good thing I scheduled all of Abby's site sales on weekends. (and that reminds me, local cookie-buyers, we'll be delivering soon; I have a trunkful of cookies...)

Now, if you will excuse me, I'll be doing my homework and laundry and general tidying up, because I have quite a lot to do to keep my household running smoothly while I am AT WORK.


  1. Yay!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

    I hope your eye is getting better. It looks terribly painful. :(

    1. Sweet Karen. It does not hurt in the slightest. Itches, and waters a bit, but that's all. It just *looks* like I'm a possessed Ood. My daughters have taken to wiggling their fingers at their chins as a greeting though

    2. I'm so glad it doesn't hurt.

      LOL. I hope you don't turn all evil like a red-eyed Ood. ;)

  2. Congratulations! Possessed Ood, I love it!

  3. Congratulations!! Debs xx

  4. eeew eeew eeew you need a spoiler warning for that eye!! yay and congrats on the job!!

  5. Awesome... Congrats on the job....
