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Friday, October 16, 2020

Owning the Libs and Other Acts of Mean Spiritedness

Look, I get it. This is some serious stuff. Lives are at stake, hundreds of thousands have been lost, and this election is extra-important.

And I've figured out one very important thing. Mind you, this is all based on what I see online, as I am in fact currently insulated from real-life interactions with most people, given the pandemic and all. I get my groceries delivered or curbside, I order not-groceries online, and my work (where we really don't discuss this anyway) is a little light right now because I'm pretty far down in my employer's seniority list. I have also learned not to watch the news. I don't have regular TV anyway, but I haven't been watching it even online. 

I know. You'd think that by my age - I'm 52 - I'd have figured that out long before this. But I hadn't until a couple weeks ago when I told my therapist I was seriously considering just skipping the presidential debate and she more-or-less (figuratively) whapped me upside the head and told me to do it; it's not like I would miss anything but theatrics.

Anyway. For most liberal types whom I see online, it's not about scoring points on the competition. Oh, we're always up for a good fly meme, or a sarcastic bit of snark like the Shower Thought I had this morning ("It's Betsy DeVos, It's Betsy DeVos, Oh she has some yachts so she thinks she's a boss..." to the tune of Cruella DeVille) but mostly we're just trying to - you know - keep the planet from falling apart.

But the allegedly conservative (I say "allegedly" because I don't see them conserving much of anything except straight white males' feelings), it seems to be a matter of Owning the Libs. They may say it's about the unborn babies or the second amendment, but if it actually were, they'd do the logical thing and provide education and birth control, or regulate guns or enforce the regulations that are already there.

Seems they'd rather Own the Libs.

For a group who largely profess to be Christian, that seems mighty unChristian of them. 

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