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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Not As Bad As Expected

The first day of (virtual) school went surprisingly well for us.

Senior Sunrise was gorgeous. Can't involve the school or the PTSA because of pandemic gathering rules. A local church offered to host because they have different gathering rules than public schools do: we did it outside in a huge field, 10-foot distanced, groups of five or less, and masked. My job was to distribute blueberry muffins, Sunny D, and masks if needed. I don't know exactly how many kids of the nearly-400 seniors at our school showed up (I think it was approximately half) but I only had to give out two masks, so they did well.

That was sunrise though, which is not my best time of day. SO MUCH CAFFEINE on board yesterday! 

So we got home, got everybody fed and watered, took a couple back-to-school pix, and had at it. 

We had a couple small glitches - Lizzy discovered that if one logs in too early, Zoom will time out, and
then you'll miss the all-hands assembly entirely, derailing another class in the process. Abby had a form for one class where another student's contact info showed up instead of her own. Neither was a big deal because they're calling this a soft start - like the soft openings one sees in retail to work out the kinks before the grand opening.

Still can't get any mic but mine to work on Abby's computer. Not sure why. Also no big; she can use mine unless I need to be in a meeting too... which isn't all that frequent.

So like I said, it went pretty well. And my Fitbit claims I slept extra well last night!

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