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Saturday, September 5, 2020

String Theory

Or Newton's Cock-up; take your pick of titles.

One of the gifts I got Lizzy for her birthday yesterday was this very cool Newton's Cradle - for those who can't see the picture or have never met a Newton's cradle, it's a set of parallel bars from which are suspended five metal balls in a row. When you pull one metal ball to the side and let it go, the resulting ping against the next ball in the line causes them all to move. Newton's Third Law of Thermodynamics: the equal and opposite reaction, you know?

Anyway, this one has a pretty holographic base, which adds incentive to newly-teenage pink-fluffy-unicorn science nerds to Do the Science Thing. And we got it and opened it yesterday at her birthday dinner. 

It went tango uniform immediately upon exiting the protective plastic clamshell it came in.

So we spent a fair chunk of the past 24 hours, in between cupcake delivery and sleep and the like, trying to disentangle the damn thing.

Yeah, no. 

We appear to have made it worse, because in attempting the disentanglement, we have managed to tie one of the fishing lines used to suspend the balls in an actual knot, not to mention eye strain, stretching of fishing line, and wear and tear on my nerves.

I was prepared to replace it at my own cost, but thought I'd ask Amazon customer service if this is a common issue with this sort of thing, or was it just Overenthusiastic Unboxing on Lizzy's part. I didn't even get that far, as the chat dude, said, "yes, sure, please just take it to UPS and we'll send you out another; here's a mailing label. Also free next-day shipping on a replacement."

All righty then.

But be assured that Mama will do the unboxing with the new one when it arrives tomorrow.

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