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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Okay So It's a Slow Start

 Yeah, the bedroom redo is taking longer than anticipated. Surprise!

But I decided that y'know what? 

It's okay. My self-imposed deadline of end-of-day August tenth was just that - self-imposed. And really a goal just for the symmetry, not an actual deadline. Am I justifying laziness to myself? Maybe. But it's just me, it affects no-one else,  so no big deal.

Then I started thinking, because that original goal was, as I said, for the symmetry of a new start on the anniversary of Laston's death. It's a tough day anyway, and why make it harder on myself? 

Anyway, so I was thinking - I said to my mom yesterday - how I was surprised and gratified that Lizzy doesn't seem to mind wearing a mask. She has a number of weird sensory quirks, like her inability to cope with that one Outschool teacher's voice, and some food texture issues and so forth, and she really seems to need the sensory input of chewing on things sometimes. So I was surprised that a) she doesn't mind the masks and b) she doesn't chew on them. It may simply be that she hasn't had to wear one long enough for it to bug her; our schools are online starting September 2nd and it's not like she's been gallivanting about town. The longest she's had to wear a mask has been an hour or two for fireworks on Independence Day.

But it still struck me as odd that given all the grumbling about distance learning and missing their friends such, both my kids are pretty sanguine about all the health and safety protocols.

And then I read a note on Facebook about how kids think they're invincible, and it hit me like a slap to the face.

Because of Laston, they know they're not invincible. Or at least they know deep in their bones that not all family members are invincible. 

They may not even be aware of this consciously, of course.

But what a grim, tarnished silver lining that is.

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