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Monday, May 28, 2012

%#*& Algebra

Yeah, here it is, the beginning of Week 4, and I just completed the work for Week 1. I have that much trouble with algebra. We've known this since I was 13 (when we did extensive testing and discovered a learning disability or six, and got me through algebra then - barely - with the help of a tutor), and in the intervening 30 years I have not improved. I've had my spouse - who is trained as a math teacher - try to assist me, I've been to Khan Academy, and I've used the live tutors at the University of Phoenix.

I still do not grok.

This is not the fault of any of the above. It's not even my fault. It's faulty wiring in my brain.

I have mastered fractions (and I shocked the Hubs when I claimed to have 'made fractions my bitch').

I have sent an email to my academic adviser and my instructor and the MathLab people, asking if I can replace Algebra 1 with Bonehead Math Math 101, and then replace Algebra 2 with Algebra 1, and still get my degree (which is in Communications; it is unlikely that I will have to use algebra extensively there).

We all know I can communicate.

But I'm having trouble even doing that since starting this class; I'm down to one blog post a week here because my brain hurts.

I have not received a response to my email because I sent it at the beginning of a holiday weekend. I'm sure I'll hear back Tuesday.

I want to thank the denizens of Google Plus (and my spouse and everyone else mentioned in this post) for offering assistance (their own or that of their teenage children!), and I may take you up on it if the UofP won't allow this transfer.

But for the moment I'm saying %#*& algebra.

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