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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Just Staaahhp

Cartoon rendering of me
peeking around a door,
with the caption "Stay Home"

This applies to Washington State. Your rules may be different. Your mileage may vary.

Nobody wants to be wearing masks.

Nobody wants to be in lockdown.

Places of worship are allowed (masked, at 200 people or 25% capacity) because of all the pushback the state got last time regarding stifling religious expression. It's not a conspiracy.

Inslee doesn't want to kill your small business. He just doesn't want your small business to kill people. Or our hospitals to be overfull.

It's not actually his fault that the federal government screwed the small businesses the last time (well, the only time) they gave money to the so-called little guy. Click the link; I'm not typing all that again.

It's not "just a flu." But it is flu season. Both at once would be awful.

Even if it were (which it's not), it's a new one. We don't know enough about it to take risks.

We're trying to play it safe here.

Look, use me as an example. I'm trying to keep a household together, on less than ten hours a week pay, with one child who is a senior in high school and one child with some extra needs, the angst of adolescence, a finely-tuned sense of social justice with nowhere for it to go, and who is not enjoying (or helping her teachers to enjoy) the crisis-distance-learning experience. During a pandemic where the high points of their days include such gems as going outside to get the mail. 

And I complain, of course, because it's 2020 and it sucks large for everyone.

What I don't complain about is wearing a mask in public or how my favorite movie theater is closed or why-do-I-hafta-when-it's-only-the-elderly-and-infirm.

The selfishness is outrageous.

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