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Monday, August 13, 2018


Things I learned today:

  • That although I - like most people - am a distracted driver, I am not as badly off as I feared.
  • That I haven't forgotten the rules of the road since I learned to drive in the eighties.
  • That although I haven't forgotten the rules, I have forgotten quite a bit of the vocabulary:
    • For instance, you know that place where the painted lines come to a point when an on-ramp merges onto the freeway? That pointy bit is a "gore." I assume that this is a gore as in a sewing technique, rather than as gobbets of bloody flesh or as a former Vice-President of the United States of America.
    • Did I ever know that a two-way turn lane was colloquially known as a "suicide lane?"
  • Ha! I remember the I Like Bikes... But... filmstrip we had back in the 80s. The DVDs they use these days are much better. I want to bring the distracted driver one home to show to the girls; it's creepy in an almost Twilight Zone-esque way.
  • That although I am fairly comfortable with the "student management" part of the program, I'm a bit intimidated about the actual driving of something so much bigger than my minivan.
    • Never fear; they won't put me into a bus on my own for weeks (and even then as a substitute driver); I will be taking written tests and getting a CDL learner's permit and so forth for a while first.
    • Also, there are other things one can do early on, like spending the first few days making sure the kindergartners and other new students get on and off the bus at the right stop. Or driving the smaller vans that don't require a CDL for certain programs in the district. 
  • That one can have more than one substitute position at the school district. I have an interview Wednesday as a substitute assistant cook, for instance. This sounds very exciting to me!
  • That some people in a few of my games on Facebook take the games and their position in the games way too seriously. And too personally. And as though they know what they're talking about as far as app development goes.
  • That I really do not understand how Google works; why does my Chrome keep logging me out and not letting me share these blog posts easily?
  • That Lizzy is adorable (I know; I knew that already). But she spent the morning at art camp with her bestie, and she built a robot from TinkerCrate this afternoon, and now she's showing the neighbor kid how cool it is. So CUTE.

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