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Friday, August 10, 2018

A New Adventure

Not this kind of adventure, though that happens in our house. Nor this. Not even this kind, although that might happen later this year; it often does.

Actually, I am going to learn to drive a school bus.

That's right, I got a job; I start training Monday.

It never actually occurred to me - of all the things I could do in the educational sector - that driving a bus might be on the list. I mean, I have experience working with little kids (I worked in preschools and took classes back in the day), girl-scout-aged kids (though I'm not a troop leader or anything, I have certainly helped them sell the cookies!), and cared for my own two and my stepkid (more on that later). So when I went to the NSD job fair last Saturday, I thought, oh, maybe paraeducator, recess teacher, lunch lady, things that fit my communications-major-with-a-side-of-early-childhood-education view of myself.

But they need bus drivers, and the more I thought about it, the more attractive it sounded. I would learn a valuable skill and gain a useful license. I would be working with the kids and making a difference. I would be making decent money in a position that aligns (mostly) with my own kids' school schedules.

This is not technically a full-time job, so there's plenty of time to do other projects. One of which is, possibly, that lunch lady position I mentioned up there; my interview as a substitute assistant cook is Wednesday after my bus training. The others of which are things I already have in my pile; textbroker, CopyPress, any remote one-offs I can get from my job contacts in the creative space for writing, and a few - as yet not fully formed - personal writing projects.

Now, as you may know, today is the second anniversary of Laston's death. And yes, I am feeling sad and a little mad and somewhat out of sorts. But it's not last year, when I could barely function at all, and it is, more importantly, the 18th birthday of Laston's oldest child. Last year it took some major effort to make August tenth about Lee rather than Laston. This year, it just is. And that is totally okay; it indicates healing and growth and positivity.

So we're having a small family-and-besties party at Lee's house with Karry this evening after all parties are done with work/camp/etc.

And Monday, I get to go to work.

Should be an adventure!

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