Second-grade science is a wonderful thing, because they're so in awe of everything they see. It's the same mindset that made Lizzy come out to the living room one night about 20 minutes after bedtime, all round eyes and discovery impatiently waiting to be expressed. "Mom," she said, in a tone of barely suppressed glee, "Mom, they're called dementors because they make you demented!"
Good catch, kid.
And today, we went on our trip to the Pacific Science Center (on "a bus with comfy seats with beautiful patterns on them!" with a gross or so of other second-graders from our school, and at least one group from five or six more schools from as far away as Moses Lake).

Three kids to an adult.
Mine were Lizzy, Steph, and A. (so called because I don't have her parents' permission; read the note at the top, folks). These girls are Lizzy's Dream Team, and when I suggested a team name so I could herd them all together easily, they promptly came up with Team Meow.
All righty then.

We saw the movie (fabulous, by the way) and played with the water stuff outside, and then hung out in the Science Playground for the rest of the time.
It was a blast.
I'm freaking exhausted.

But we never did get to the butterflies.
The lines were too long for that.
And nobody even cared.