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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night...

...nor even Sunday afternoon stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

At least something good comes of the commercialization of the holidays.

I was seriously annoyed that a package I ordered for Saturday delivery did not get delivered Saturday. Even more so when the tracking website suggested it was because we weren't home.

Someone was. 

All day.

And definitely at the time of purported delivery attempt; both adults were in the house at that point. 

And Laston's desk - where he spends most of his non-work, non-sleep, non-housecleaning time - is right in front of the window by the front door. No blinds or curtains on that window. and he's right there.


In any case, I was annoyed, because I wanted the curtains for the kids' rooms and the next four books in Lizzy's Magic Treehouse series, and I wanted them when I asked for them, thank you very much.

So when they showed up midafternoon on Sunday, well... it was a pleasant surprise. 

Thanks, US Postal Service. Swift completion of your completed rounds accomplished.

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