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Friday, June 14, 2024

Not a Bum Knee in Sight

Oh, my knee is still in recovery, but the point here is that this

Flying saucer with rainbow beams
from a free photo site
post is not about that even though I’m still writing on my phone. So enough about the knee(s).

What I’m talking about today is something that I have touched on before, but mostly it’s this: If you don’t like it anymore, stop watching/playing/reading/listening.That’s what adults do, instead of all this whining and trying to ruin it for the rest of us. It’s those sour grapes that make me want to slap y’all.

At this point, I’m tired enough about this whole process that I do not care if you’re an outright bigot (on race, gender, sexuality, whatever) or if you’re just not good with change. I’m not great with change in real life, but I don’t spend all my time screaming down the house (in other people’s houses) that things in fictional universes “just aren’t the same as they used to be” and clutching my pearls because “history isn’t like that” (of course it’s not; this is a fictionalization of history. That’s why they call it historical fiction) or because two characters kissed or one character cried or whatever.

Note: this is not anll about Doctor Who or Star Trek, although those franchises are two that I see subject to this often.

For me, it falls in the same category as what they call “hate following,“ which is when you follow someone (usually a vlogger or a politician) on a social media platform just so you can bring your favorite pet peeve up every time they post anything at all. This gets really really old. Sure, I’m complaining here, but this is my own platform; I’m not going to other people’s posts just to assert that my personal opinion is fact.

And if you don’t like it anymore for whatever reason (for instance, I don’t think that certain show runners were particularly good for a few of my favorite series) that’s fine. As I said above, you don’t have to watch/play/etc. Or if you do want to watch just to see whether it improves or through some sort of personal issue you have, fine. Why do you have to keep on and on and on and on about it on every single post you see on a given social media platform? 

Honestly, just shut up and let people enjoy things. It’s not that hard.

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