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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Of Cats, Hats, Eggs, Ham, and Gendered Potatoes

If you've been paying attention at all, you know that a) Hasbro changed the name of the line to Potato Head - they're not taking away your gendered potatoes, and b) the people who actually own the copyrights to Dr. Seuss books made a choice to stop printing six of the hundred or so books, and six of the more obscure ones at that. Neither decision had anything to do with your rights being taken away, neither had anything at all to do with the new and relatively competent federal government in the United States, and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you something.

Probably guns, as these tend to be the same people who have convinced you that you need them to protect yourself from - I dunno - random marauding tree-huggers?

You people need to get a grip,
A cartoon of me, a fair-skinned, green-eyed
person, in a potato costume, lying prone.
The caption reads "potato."

It's not like that, you little drip.
No-one's taking cats in hats,
Or eggs and ham or this or that.

Not killing babies, taking guns,
Nor stopping you from having sons,
We're putting health and safety first,
That's it, that's all, you're not coerced.

We just want people to be seen,
As more important than the green,
So next time you turn on the Fox,
(Not Fox in Socks, the one in-box),
Think back to who has told you things,
Remember who this message brings.

They prey on fear of black and brown,
And gays and lib'ruls in your town,
And that the babies will be killed,
And that your guns will be re-milled.

What they don't tell you is that this,
Their message, it's a bunch of piss.
They want you fearing folks like me,
Who want us all alive and free.

So you do you, don't wear the mask,
But don't be shocked when people ask,
Why you only care for those,
Just like you; that's what you chose.

Outrage over gendered tater,
Demands that to you we must cater,
Cats and eggs and ham, it's mindless
Heedless of good sense or kindness,

Maybe someday you will see,
There's more than your view versus me.

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