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Monday, March 2, 2015

A Sticky Situation

Not a bad one, actually a good one.

Miz Liz is outside looking for sticks. She apparently needs them "really badly" because her first grade class is making Leprechaun Traps. The is a voluntary project, and Lizzy is very very excited by the prospect. Lacking Lucky Charms and gold coins, we have decided that a couple of Thin Mints would be excellent bait.

Miss Abby is also outside looking for sticks. Hers need to be a little bigger, because she needs several to demonstrate and help her sister scouts learn to do a half-hitch knot. That's set for the 12th, but she needs practice, so we're doing this ahead.

And then there's the season.

That's right, folks. As you know, it's...


Misses Abby and Carlie and Carlie's dad and I sold quite a lot of cookies yesterday. So proud of these two girls; they were enterprising and sweet and genuinely nice to their customers. I was especially amused by Abby's repeated question of, "Would you like help transporting these to your vehicle?" For the gentleman who bought eight boxes of Thin Mints that might be needed, but for the average purchaser of two to five boxes it it perhaps not necessary.

Funny though.

And I'm going to have to remember that even though it's been unseasonably warm and dry around here, it's still only early March, and it gets sundown.

Before the cookie sale we went into the store to check in and get change, and while we were in there Abby met a friend. The best thing about this is the name tag. You see, at this store, everyone's name tag has their name and a description about them. Like this:

Jane Smith
Also walks dogs

Except this one, which says:

I am not fast

I have not seen the movie. But I am told this is hilarious.

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