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Monday, February 16, 2015

Sometimes You Just Have to Have Fun

And today that's exactly what Lizzy (7) and I did.

You see, it's midwinter break in our school district, and Leanna's at her mom's and Abby is in a day camp for drama (at this cool place, where she immediately made a favorable impression on the instructor by wearing a Doctor Who T-shirt).

So Lizzy and I have some alone time, which is nice, because that's usually limited to a half hour or so before bed.

It's 2:30 PM as I write this, and so far we have:

  • dropped Abby off at camp 
  • bought four books at Barnes & Noble; she really likes the Ivy + Bean books, which were recommended by a children's librarian for her last week. Abby liked them in a vague sort of way when she was eight or nine, but not well enough to buy them. Lizzy enjoyed the first one we got at the library so much that we had to go out and get them. Half Price Books next time though.
  • went to the LEGO store and made three minifigs we made to look as much like the cast of The
    Magic Tree House books as possible, given that they had neither "Camelot clothes" for Kathleen (we put her in a breastplate and equipped her with a shield), nor blonde pigtails for Annie (one long brown one was available) Jack has overalls and a pair of binoculars, which we think is appropriate to his character. We also bought a bucket of LEGO pieces with which - together with the ones we already own - we should be able to design and build a passable Tree and Tree House. We'll do that on Wednesday.
  • gotten the oil changed in my car.
  • had our nails done.
  • had lunch - Lizzy chose Mexican food.
  • gotten groceries delivered.
  • emptied, loaded, and run the dishwasher.
Next we plan to:
  • run to Grandma's to drop off a gift (it's her birthday)
  • pick Abby up
  • make dinner
  • do some laundry
  • pack a bag for the girls for tomorrow night, which they will spend at Grandma's (because there is the opportunity for much overtime with a call center down on the east coast? Something like that, and she wanted them to spend one night this week).
Tuesday I work. Wednesday I'll grab the girls from Grandma, take Abby to camp, and Lizzy & I shall veg all day and play with LEGO. Thursday I get to meet a dear friend I haven't seen in ages, and Thursday night is the annual musical theatre night with Dad and sibs. Friday there will be a performance at Abby's drama camp and then I take her to her dad's place.

Even vacation weeks are crazy busy; it's just kind of a slower pace.

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