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Friday, February 24, 2023

What a Pain

A person wrapped up in bandages
and on crutches, with the caption I'M OK.
The actual injury is much less
Not in the neck.

Not really in the ass, either, although my lower back is unhappy with me.

I blew out my left knee.

And then I went to work anyway because I'm stubborn like that.

So here's the timeline. My left knee and right hand/wrist have been a little stiff and sore when I wake up for months. I'm 54, so I assume that's arthritis, and the knee is worse than the hand because hands are not (generally) weight-bearing joints.

I have plenty of weight to bear.

No real problem, both hand and knee are usually fine by the time I get out of the shower, and the heated seats in my van don't hurt any, either.

On December 27th I got an Apple Watch (thanks, Dad!) for Christmas, and I get more than a little obsessed with closing those circles (aka meeting my Move, Stand, and Exercise goals). This is easier than I thought, but my muscles - being unaccustomed to this sort of use - are a bit achy most days. That's fine; it means the gamified exercise is doing what it is supposed to. And by January 27th (yes, a month later; I refuse to weigh myself all the time. For me, that way lies obsession and discouragement) I have dropped twelve pounds just by standing up when the watch tells me to.

On or around February 22nd my left knee starts to hurt rather more than other parts of me, so I ease off on some of the more standing-up activities. I also consult my mother (who is an old hand at knee injuries) and I decide that if it doesn't feel better by Saturday (the 25th), I'll go to urgent care.

I did not get that far.

In fact, I was walking (probably limping a little) out to my work vehicle. Annnnnd... there's a loud popping noise/sensation and then...

...then I'm stuck. Like I-can't-put-any-weight-at-all-on-my-left-leg stuck.


Now what do I do?

It's Midwinter Break and very few of us are working, so there's nobody handy. I could grab my phone and call in and ask for help, but I'm not convinced that I can stay upright while rummaging through my purse.

Did it occur to me to use my Apple Watch to call? I mean, all it takes is a 'Hey Siri." But no. It did not.

Luckily one of our very awesome mechanics poked his head out of the garage at this point and asked if I needed help.

Yes, please!

So he helped me to my own car (closer) which I then drove out to the lot where we keep the work vehicles, transferred myself from my own van to my work car, and worked my shift (again, Midwinter Break, so it's just the one student. Also, there is lots of ibuprofen now on board.)

Text from me: Uh, Mom? Yeah, I'm not waiting until Saturday to go to the doc, because the knee just went kablooey.

The reply was not something I should repeat here.

Anyway, I ran my route, came back, transferred back to my work vehicle, arranged a remote clock-out with Payroll (thanks, boss, for the idea; I was dreading trying to stagger to the punchclock), and went to urgent care.

Where I got stuck again.

A very nice person in the parking lot got the staff to grab a wheelchair for me.

I don't really want to relate the entire doctor visit; it was equal parts painful and boring, except for the very kind radiology tech, who gave me printouts of the x-rays for Mad Scientist Lizzy to peruse at her leisure. But I shall sum up: No damage visible in bones or cartilage; this is a soft-tissue injury. Torn or overstretched ligaments, probably the PCL(?) which as I understand it, is one of the ligaments behind the knee that holds the upper and lower leg bones together. Brace or Ace bandage, ice, elevation, rest, Naproxen Sodium. Crutches or other support aids.

For as long as it takes, which can be weeks and weeks with an injury of this type. Bleah.

I am annoyed, ouchie, and amused - because what a clusterf*ck - in pretty much equal parts. It'll be a long ride, but at least I've got helpful offspring and a sense of humor. 

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