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Sunday, November 20, 2022

I Don't Understand

I mean, I get that LGBTQ+ people are under attack, always, by people who think it's wrong. And generally, people who assume that it's All About Sex™, never mind that LGBTQ+ people are just going about their daily lives. These kinds of assumptions say more about the person doing the assuming, and they think a lot more about sex itself (especially other people's sex and gender and presentation) than anyone I know.

What I don't understand is why.

Just for existing, even in their own spaces?

Yet another shooting, this time in a Colorado gay bar. Of people who are just there in their own space, doing their own thing, and not bothering you

Except for their very existence, I guess.

Yeah, yeah, bible-murica-muh-guns-alpha-male, whatever.

I've read the Bible cover to cover (twice, two different versions), I've lived in the US my whole life, I've handled guns, and I'm mentally ill (GAD and SAD). And white and fat and female. Oh, yes, and ASD/ADHD, since people usually pull that one out as either a defense (couldn't help it) or as another disenfranchised group to vilify as "part of the problem." 

They are not the problem, you hypocrites. You are. 

You can't say "God is Love" and "God hates [f-slur]" in the same breath. 

That's bullshit.

It's just hatred of stuff you don't understand, you don't try to understand, but really you just can't be bothered to understand anyone who isn't a straight white male "Christian."

And that's what I don't understand.

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