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Friday, June 10, 2022

I Can Do The Thing

Really, I can.

I think.

I'm at the eye-crossing stage of fatigue right now, for the past three days, no matter how much I sleep. Mind you, I was very cross-eyed as a small child, and it's a sure sign of fatigue when it starts happening now. 

I mean, I have reason for fatigue. Don't we all? What with shootings and pandemics, all the -isms and -phobias, and people just Being Jerks.

But it's still disconcerting.

One more week of my school district's 2021-2022 school year (a neighboring district to which I transport a student goes until the 23rd), and boy will I be glad when that's done! Not the work so much - although with the number of personnel we have out with Covid or other reasons, we're all pitching in and taking extra routes, even those like me, who don't drive actual buses - as the process of Lizzy finishing middle school. She did not take well to distance learning, academically or socially, and we're really looking forward to a break before she rejoins her besties in the fall (they went to a different middle school than she; they were in elementary together).

At least I have a working computer again. Have you ever tried to type a 300-600-word article on an iPhone? Not great for fingers or eyes.

This spring has been ridiculous as to allergens - warm and wet springs in Seattle are always like that.

My doctor, when asked if I should have this test or that shot or the other procedure, has taken to saying, "Over 50. Asthmatic. Works with children. YES."

So - given that I have full containers of this and that allergy meds and such - I should be able to deal. 

One more week. 

I can do the thing.

Really, I can.

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