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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

More Cognitive Dissonance.. Yep, It Still Burns

Bitmoji ImageI live in a land where there are no absolutes, everything is a spectrum... unless it's something you don't like.

Then your way is the One True Way and you're the Queen of Hearts and it's "off with their head!"

Oh, I'm a culprit here too. I'm zero tolerance on hypocritical bigotry, for example.

The one that bugs me most lately? The statement that "Biden is just as bad as Trump."

Um, no.

For one thing, with Joe, we get Jillđź’–. And assorted people who - while still politicians and therefore suspect - are at the very least not incompetent narcissists.

Would I have preferred someone else, as we are currently stuck in this two-party system? Yes

Do I like that the DNC is playing games again? No.

Am I worried about who he will choose as a VP running mate? Yes.

Do I like that he appears to be overly handsy? No.

Are there major concerns about his age? Yes.

Do I like what he has stood for every time he has voted on something? No.

Is Joe Biden demonstrably a better executive and human being than Donald Trump?

Oh yes. Definitely.

My friend Rekka put it like this: "there’s a major difference between a puddle of radioactive waste versus a pile of compostable manure."

Even if they both stink, at least there's some use for the manure. It can help other things to grow.

And when the current puddle of radioactive waste is allowing - even encouraging or outright requiring - the shit that's going down right now in this country? The first priority is to get rid of the radioactive waste. Vote progressive all the way down, hope that Biden's VP pick - and for crying out loud, Joe, quit teasing us! - is more progressive than he is, but please, please don't log a protest vote for President this year.

Don't let the radioactivity spread because you refuse to vote for the compost.

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