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Sunday, July 28, 2024

In Name Only

A photo of part of the French opening ceremonies for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. It bears a resemblance to the painting The Last Supper, which apparently has never ever been done before (sarcasm) and is therefore heresy.
The performers say that it is meant to depict a feast of Dionysus (as an homage to a different painting), from Greek mythology, as the Games are of Greek origin. Dionysus (Greek God of Wine, Revelry, and Theater) forbid that they should be creative.

You know the sort of “Christians” who are mortally offended by another country’s opening ceremony for the Olympics, because everything in the whole world should cater to them? There is a lot of overlap with the kind of “Christians” who think banning books and actual people is more important than following the teachings of the One they say they follow.

I’m all for drag performances and while this is not my preferred type, I’m not going to completely lose my mind because other people (especially in other cultures) are doing something I find personally distasteful. Same with the Marie Antoinette sequence. Ick, but also, you do you, France.  It’s not my call. 

It’s not a personal insult, either. It’s not always about you, “Christians.”

Why is “Christian” in quotes here?

Because they’re not acting like actual Christians (no quotes), are supposed to, what with the judging not lest they be judged and all.

Yeah, those people are now known as “CINO” (Christian In Name Only) on my page at least.

Note: these are NOT the people who are actually trying to walk the walk. I know some of them too, and they’re lovely people. What with the judging not and all.