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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Post From my Phone

Warning: medical/surgical procedures. Nothing graphic.

Okay, y’all, making a blog post from my phone is hard…

…but it’s a lot more comfortable than sitting at my computer. Or at the laptop I borrowed, mostly because elevation of the leg is key in recovery.

This is what everything looked like 60 hours after the surgery to reconnect my meniscus to its root. I have three little incisions where they put in the micro tools and the teeny tiny little arthroscopic camera.

It’s kinda cool, huh?

So now I am 13 days after the surgery and went in for my two week check to make sure everything was OK. And everything is OK. The orthopedic surgeon, whom I really like, basically said that I was doing everything right and to continue on as I am for the next four weeks.

Doing everything right is being relaxed, just a little bit, and that I no longer have to use the ACE Bandage unless I feel more supported with it on. I’m keeping the Band-Aids though because the pretty new patterns and themes that Band-Aid has for their flexible fabric bandages make me feel better. I guess it’s a looking-better-feeling-better thing, mind over matter. In any case, it works.

So I am on crutches and in this brace for another four weeks, But things are moving comfortably forward. Going to the doctor today was tiring (Even considering that my mother brought me breakfast) and my low back hurts from sitting in the same position for two weeks and using crutches and so on, but things are looking up.

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